Editorial Dear customer, We are delighted to bring you the new 2023 SOLO Group catalogue. This 32nd edition includes new products for each brand as well as new colours and styles, and details of our newly introduced traceability, transparency and environmental initiatives. True to our DNA, we continually strive to strengthen our ranges with a strong emphasis on quality, style and respect for our social and environmental commitments. Our aim is to continue providing our customers with clothing and accessories that suit their tastes and expectations, designed to promote their brand or convey their message in a sustainable and beneficial way. With this in mind, SOLO Group acquired midocean in 2022. As Europe's leading supplier of customisable items, luggage and accessories, the company is renowned for its high quality offer and services. This acquisition means we can now offer a comprehensive range of customisable items and textiles. Our teams are therefore looking forward to new projects and challenges for 2023. Their enthusiasm, professionalism and their constant quest to ensure everyone can express their uniqueness through our collections are the reasons for our success. Thank you for your loyalty and trust, which in turn drive our enthusiasm and reason for being. Sincerely, Alain Milgrom Chairman Audélia Krief CEO Contents THE GROUP 02 — 13 ECO-FRIENDLY COLLECTION 14 — 59 T-SHIRTS 60 — 107 SWEATSHIRTS 108 — 127 POLO SHIRTS 128 — 149 SHIRTS, SWEATERS, TIES & APRONS 150 — 181 FLEECES & SOFTSHELLS 182 — 199 BODYWARMERS, WINDBREAKERS & PARKAS 200 — 221 PANTS, BERMUDAS & SHORTS 222 — 233 KIDS 234 — 249 SPORTS 250 — 259 PROWEAR 260 — 269 CAPS, ACCESSORIES, BAGS & TOWELLING 270 — 307 2
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